Thursday, November 20, 2008

EMERGE yourself in the world of DESIGN

so i have been trying to emerge myself in the "design world" and really get a look at what is out there.  two hallmark symposiums ago the Craig LaRotonda talked about really "getting yourself out there."  he made some good points that i wrote down, and wanted to share.  

1.  promote your talents (websites, promotional mailings, etc.)
let people know who you are and what you can do
2.  draw/make art everyday
seems nearly impossible.  i wish i had time to draw everyday.  maybe i do.
3.  learn "the business side" of things
he talked about learning inventory, accounting, and building a business in general
4.  learn how to meet deadlines
if you miss one with a company, don't count on doing work with them again
5. take chances
put yourself out there

this was all very interesting and helpful for me.  enjoy.

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