Monday, April 13, 2009

Hillman Curtis Lecture Series. Wow.

David Carson oh so inspiring.  

Looking at his work I just feel the energy and emotion he put into every piece.  In the interview he said that some people thought it was disrespectful to the writings that he was displaying, but I guarantee the piece got a lot more attention by being displayed like that than
 just a regular “boring” paragraph.  I love the pieces with the very low tracking and how the words just become the image. 

Paula Scher type is image.

In Paula's work it is not just typography, it is image.  From the way the letters are hand drawn to the way it's integrated “in” the space, the words become part of something else, something more.  I loved
 the pieces she did that they showed for the buildings and how the words just fit into the space; by style, by placement.  The Noise Funk pieces were also very intriguing and fun.  She said the typography was designed to look like it made noise, and it did just that.

Milton Glaser serving a purpose.

Milton Glaser's design style is unique.  He uses strong graphics and simple statements to convey his ideas.  One of his most famous pieces is the I Love NY logo. One of my favorites is the illustrative Bob Dylan image I have shown here.  The simple image has so much feeling. Besides being a designer, Glaser teaches.  He teaches to make himself feel good, and to clarify his own objectives.  Artists provide a gift to the culture, so that we all have something in common.